Results for 'Ivan Sergeevich Serebrov'

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  1. Logika nauchnogo poznanii︠a︡ v trudakh N.G. Chernyshevskogo.Ivan Sergeevich Serebrov - 1972 - Leningrad,: Izd-vo Leningr. un-ta. Edited by Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky.
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    Religion in Alexandre Kojève’s atheistic philosophy of science.Ivan Sergeevich Kurilovich - 2024 - Studies in East European Thought 76 (1):91-107.
    This paper focuses on Kojève’s account of history and philosophy of science. Kojève’s understanding of science can be characterized as internalism, which is evident in his holistic view of philosophy, theology, quantum physics, and the history of classical Newtonian mechanics. It precipitates the facilitation of a further inquiry into the Christian genesis, secular evolution, and subsequent de-Christianization of scientific thought. The paper includes a critical scrutiny of Kojève’s philosophical tenets, followed by a comparative analysis of the views of Hegel, Koyré, (...)
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  3. Vi︠e︡chnai︠a︡ istorīi︠a︡ bytīi︠a︡.Ivan Sergeevich Serov - 1904
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  4. Fathers and Children.Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev - 2010 - Oneworld Classics. Edited by D. M. Pursglove.
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    Scientific and methodological support of physical education in the framework of FSES-3++.Vadim Sergeevich Denisenko, Ivan Alekseevich Bavtryukov & Tatiana Vasilievna Strelnikova - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):244-251.
    This research is devoted to the study of scientific and methodological aspects of providing students with physical education. The research is based on the works of Russian teachers who have adopted the experience of the new higher education program for bachelor's degree. The starting point for the development of new concepts is the latest edition of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education. The purpose of the study is to analysis of the scientific and methodological support of physical education (...)
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    Ivan Turgenev’s Rome.Alexey Kara-Murza - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 7:124-142.
    This article examines the siginifcant role that Romeplayed in the life of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. The author researches the “Roman” preferences of young Turgenev, who specialized in ancient literature and philosophy in Moscow, St. Petersburgand Berlin. Special attention is paid to the circumstances of 21-years-old Turgenev’s stay in the Eternal City in February–April 1840 and his relationship with members of Khovrins’ salon in Rome, espesially with the eldest daughter of Khovrin, Alexandra Nikolaevna, in marriage Bakhmeteva, whо became later (...)
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    Metaphysical Conflict: A Study of the Major Novels of Ivan Turgenev.James B. Woodward - 1990 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Are Turgenev's novels "Rudin", "A Nest o f the Gentry", "On the Eve" and "Fathers and Sons" social chronicles or are they more celebrations of life and love? Are they paens to the nobility of the human spirit or ironic comments on human folly? These questions are addressed in this study, but is mainly concerned is that of the novels' essential character.
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    Bad to the bone: essentially bad perceptual experiences.Ivan V. Ivanov - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):3630-3656.
    Naïve realists have a motive to but have thus far been unable to offer compelling reasons for positing an external constraint on the occurrence of the consciousness involved in perfect hallucinations. If the occurrences of such consciousness were confined to abnormal perceptual contexts, the possibility of perfect hallucinations would have no bearing on the nature of the consciousness involved in cases of perception. On the other hand, it is unclear why the character of the perceptual context should matter constitutively to (...)
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  9. Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and the Redemption of Life through Art.Ivan Soll - 1998 - In Christopher Janaway (ed.), Willing and Nothingness: Schopenhauer as Nietzsche’s Educator. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 79--105.
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    Responsible Management, Incentive Systems, and Productivity.Ivan Hilliard - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (2):365-377.
    A disconnect remains between theories about responsible management and application in real-life organizations. Part of the reason is due to the complexity and holistic nature of the field, and the fact that many of the benefits of aligning business objectives with changing societal conditions are of an intangible nature. Human resource management is an increasingly important part of the field with benefits including talent retention, higher levels of motivation, and improvements in organizational cohesion. This paper sets out an experiment run (...)
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    Constructing dystopian experience: A Neurath-Cartwrightian approach to the philosophy of social technology.Ivan Ferreira da Cunha - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 72:41-48.
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    Do Subaltern Artifacts Belong in Art Museums?Ivan Gaskell, A. W. Eaton, James O. Young & Conrad Brunk - 2009 - In James O. Young & Conrad G. Brunk (eds.), The Ethics of Cultural Appropriation. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 235–267.
    This chapter contains sections titled: 1 2 3 4 5 6.
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    Reflexiones en torno a la crítica foucaultiana del neoliberalismo.Iván Gabriel Dalmau - 2023 - Praxis Filosófica 56:31-58.
    El propósito de este trabajo es indagar la crítica foucaultiana del neoliberalismo desarrollada en las conferencias que Michel Foucault dictó en el Collège de France en 1979. En dicho curso, el filósofo francés propuso un abordaje crítico de la economía política al que denominó crítica política del saber. Por lo tanto, el foco de este artículo es la crítica política del saber económico que despliega en el curso mencionado. Investigación arqueo-genealógica en la que el neoliberalismo no es estudiado ni como (...)
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    New Ways of Teaching: Using Technology and Mobile Apps to Educate on Societal Grand Challenges.Ivan Montiel, Javier Delgado-Ceballos, Natalia Ortiz-de-Mandojana & Raquel Antolin-Lopez - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (2):243-251.
    We use this editorial essay as a call for a more effective use of new technologies, such as mobile apps and Web 2.0 tools, to educate students and other relevant stakeholders on business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability topics. We identify three overarching reasons that justify the need for new ways of teaching that further incorporate technology to foster the innovative thinking needed to tackle imminent societal grand challenges such as climate change and increasing inequality. First, we are facing (...)
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    The Adoption of Voluntary Environmental Management Programs in Mexico: First Movers as Institutional Entrepreneurs.Ivan Montiel & Bryan W. Husted - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S2):349 - 363.
    This article analyzes the adoption of voluntary environmental management programs by firms operating in Mexico. Mexican firms can obtain national certification (Clean Industry) and/or international certification (ISO 14001). Based on institutional entrepreneurship theory, we posit that the role played by first movers as institutional entrepreneurs is crucial if these programs are to become established with sufficient strength and appeal. This understanding is especially important in an environment where more than one program can be adopted. We tested several hypotheses on the (...)
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    Valores, Verdade e Investigação: uma alternativa pragmatista ao não cognitivismo de Russell.Ivan Ferreira da Cunha - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (3):245-268.
    Resumo Este artigo apresenta um referencial pragmatista para compreender o estatuto epistêmico da valoração que é produzida na reflexão acerca das consequências sociais de propostas científicas e tecnológicas. O problema é posto, seguindo-se as considerações de Bertrand Russell sobre o impacto da ciência na sociedade. Russell argumenta que a valoração de arranjos sociais fica fora dos limites do conhecimento, porque valorações não podem ser verdadeiras ou falsas, em sentido correspondencial. Isso leva o pensamento social a um impasse, pois não se (...)
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  17. Epistemicism, paradox, and conditional obligation.Ivan Hu - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (8):2123-2139.
    Stewart Shapiro has objected to the epistemicist theory of vagueness on grounds that it gives counterintuitive predictions about cases involving conditional obligation. This paper details a response on the epistemicist’s behalf. I first argue that Shapiro’s own presentation of the objection is unsuccessful as an argument against epistemicism. I then reconstruct and offer two alternative arguments inspired by Shapiro’s considerations, and argue that these fail too, given the information-sensitive nature of conditional obligations.
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    Balanced Organizational Values: From Theory to Practice.Ivan Malbašić, Carlos Rey & Vojko Potočan - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (2):437-446.
    Theories of organization and management have offered several concepts and models which indicate that organizational values are an important factor for running organizations successfully. A still unexplained question concerns the creation of balanced organizational values, which can support the achievement of several different and even conflicting goals of modern organizations. To explore balanced organizational values in contemporary business practice, we tested different models of organizational values on a sample of Fortune 100 companies. Research results demonstrate that none of the proportions/ratios (...)
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    Retrieval-Induced Forgetting in the Feigning Amnesia for a Crime Paradigm.Ivan Mangiulli, Kim van Oorsouw, Antonietta Curci & Marko Jelicic - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Brouwer’s Notion of ‘Egoicity’.Ivan Restović - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (1):83-100.
    According to Brouwer’s ‘theory of the exodus of consciousness’, our experience includes ‘egoicity’, a distinct kind of feeling. In this paper, we describe his phenomenology in order to explore and elaborate on the notion of egoic sensations. In the world of perception formed from sensations, some of them are, Brouwer claims, not completely separated or ‘estranged’ from the subject, which is to say they have a certain degree of egoicity. We claim this phenomenon can be explained in terms of the (...)
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    Weber’s theory of domination and post-communist capitalisms.Iván Szelenyi - 2016 - Theory and Society 45 (1):1-24.
    This article has four main objectives. First, it introduces the ideal types of domination of Weber. Contrary to the received wisdom, which knows only “three ideal types” (traditional, charismatic and legal rational) I present the “fourth” type of domination, Weber called “Wille der Beherrschten” as an important correction of his ideal type of legal-rational authority. Next I make a novel, critical distinction between patrimonial and prebendal types of traditional authority. Third, I discuss various ways that communist regimes tried to legitimate (...)
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    An introduction to Hegel's metaphysics.Ivan Soll - 1969 - Chicago,: University of Chicago Press.
  23. Savremene teorije demokratije.Ivan Mladenovic - 2008 - Filozofija I Društvo 19 (1):217-247.
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    Educational Neuroscience: A plea for radical scepticism.Ivan Snook - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (5):445-449.
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    Intension, extension, and the model of belief and knowledge in economics.Ivan Moscati - 2012 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 5 (2):1.
    This paper investigates a limitation of the model of belief and knowledge prevailing in mainstream economics, namely the state-space model. Because of its set-theoretic nature, this model has difficulties in capturing the difference between expressions that designate the same object but have different meanings, i.e., expressions with the same extension but different intensions. This limitation generates puzzling results concerning what individuals believe or know about the world as well as what individuals believe or know about what other individuals believe or (...)
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    Shadow-Works.Ivan Illich - 1980 - Philosophica 26.
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    The dreaming brain/mind, consciousness and psychosis.Ivan Limosani, Armando D’Agostino, Maria Laura Manzone & Silvio Scarone - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):987-992.
    Several independent lines of research in neurobiology seem to support the phenomenologically-grounded view of the dreaming brain/mind as a useful model for psychosis. Hallucinatory phenomena and thought disorders found in psychosis share several peculiarities with dreaming, where internally generated, vivid sensorimotor imagery along with often heightened and incongruous emotion are paired with a decrease in ego functions which ultimately leads to a severe impairment in reality testing. Contemporary conceptualizations of severe mental disorders view psychosis as one psychopathological dimension that may (...)
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  28. ‘Vague’ at Higher Orders.Ivan Hu - 2017 - Mind 126 (504):1189-1216.
    Sorensen has argued that one can exploit the vagueness of an ordinary predicate like ‘small’ to induce a sort of vagueness in ‘vague’, by constructing a series of predicates of the form ‘n-small’, where x is n- small if and only if x is small or x n. The resulting ‘Sorensen’ed’ predicates present a Sorites case for ‘vague’ ; hence the vagueness of ‘vague’. Hyde argues that this demonstrates that all vague predicates are higher-order vague. Others doubt whether Sorensen’s series (...)
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  29. Programming the USSR: Leonid V. Kantorovich in context.Ivan Boldyrev & Till Düppe - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Science 53 (2):255-278.
    In the wake of Stalin's death, many Soviet scientists saw the opportunity to promote their methods as tools for the engineering of economic prosperity in the socialist state. The mathematician Leonid Kantorovich (1912–1986) was a key activist in academic politics that led to the increasing acceptance of what emerged as a new scientific persona in the Soviet Union. Rather than thinking of his work in terms of success or failure, we propose to see his career as exemplifying a distinct form (...)
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    Living in conceivable worlds.Ivan M. Havel - 1998 - Foundations of Science 3 (2):375-394.
    Certain cognitive and philosophical aspects of the concept of conceivability with intended or established diversion from reality are discussed. The “coherence gap problem” arises when certain fragments of the real world are replaced with imaginary situations while most details are ignored. Another issue, “the spectator problem”, concerns the participation of the conceiver himself in the world conceived. Three different examples of conceivability are used to illustrate our points, namely thought experiments in physics, a hypothetical world devoid of consciousness , and (...)
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    Zeus: A Study in Ancient Religion.Ivan M. Linforth & Arthur Bernard Cook - 1943 - American Journal of Philology 64 (3):341.
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    Applications of the group configuration theorem in simple theories.Ivan Tomašić & Frank O. Wagner - 2003 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 3 (02):239-255.
    We reconstruct the group action in the group configuration theorem. We apply it to show that in an ω-categorical theory a finitely based pseudolinear regular type is locally modular, and the geometry associated to a finitely based locally modular regular type is projective geometry over a finite field.
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    Linguistic markers of schizophrenia: a case study of Robert Walser.Ivan Nenchev, Tatjana Scheffler, Heiner Stuke, Benjamin Wilck, Sandra Anna Just & Christiane Montag - 2024 - Proceedings of the 9Th Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology (Clpsych 2024).
    We present a study of the linguistic output of the German-speaking writer Robert Walser using Natural Language Processing (NLP). We curated a corpus comprising texts written by Walser during periods of sound health, and writings from the year before his hospitalization, and writings from the first year of his stay in a psychiatric clinic, all likely attributed to schizophrenia. Within this corpus, we identified and analyzed a total of 20 linguistic markers encompassing established metrics for lexical diversity, semantic similarity, and (...)
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  34. La teoría del derecho natural y Saavedra Fajardo.Iván García Rodríguez - 2009 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 19 (1).
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    Digital Humanities Are a Two-Way Street.Ivan Flis, Evina Steinová & Paul Wouters - 2016 - Isis 107 (2):346-348.
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    Simondon, a cibernética e a mecanologia.Ivan Domingues - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (2):283-306.
    ResumoEste artigo propõe elucidar a relação entre a cibernética e a mecanologia na obra de Simondon, considerando suas duas teses de doutorado e a entrevista concedida em 1968 a Jean Le Moyne, a pedido do Ofício do Filme do Québec, no Canadá, ao longo da qual é predominante o uso de "mecanologia", em contraste com as teses, onde sofre a concorrência dos vocábulos "alagmática" e "organologia", ficando o termo "cibernética" na penumbra. A cibernética é celebrada na França em 1962, no (...)
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    Red Wood Ants Display Natural Aversive Learning Differently Depending on Their Task Specialization.Ivan Iakovlev & Zhanna Reznikova - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The adaptive benefits of individual specialization and how learning abilities correlate with task performance are still far from being well-understood. Red wood ants are characterised by their huge colonies and deep professional specialization. We hypothesized that red wood ants Formica aquilonia form aversive learning after having negative encounters with hoverfly larvae differently, depending on their task specialization. We tested this hypothesis, first, by examining whether hunters and aphid milkers learn differently to avoid the nuisance of contacts with syrphid larvae, and, (...)
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  38. Justifying democracy and its authority.Ivan Mladenovic - 2016 - Filozofija I Društvo 27 (4):739-748.
    In this paper I will discuss a recent attempt of justifying democracy and its authority. It pertains to recently published papers by Niko Kolodny, which complement each other and taken together practically assume a form of a monograph. It could be said that Kolodny's approach is a non-standard one given that he avoids typical ways of justifying democracy. Namely, when a justification of democracy is concerned, Kolodny maintains that it is necessary to offer a kind of an independent justification. It (...)
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    Changing the Past?Ivan Leudar & Wes Sharrock - 2003 - History of the Human Sciences 16 (3):105-121.
    The value of the notion of ‘indeterminacy in the past’ continues to be contested. Ian Hacking’s claim that the notion is perspicuous in the examination of historical instances is questioned through discussion of the possibility of retrospective application of the relatively recent diagnostic category ‘Post-traumatic stress disorder’. Kevin McMillan maintains that there are deeper philosophical merits to the idea–particularly with respect to questions of truth–but neither Hacking’s treatment of historical cases nor McMillan’s directly philosophical elaboration of Hacking’s position sustain this (...)
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    The Political Uses of Natural Death.Ivan Illich - 1974 - The Hastings Center Studies 2 (1):3.
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    The Significance of the Second Cycle of Lectures «Science of Knowledge» for J. G. Fichte’s Theoretical Philosophy.Ivan Ivashchenko - 2011 - Sententiae 24 (1):208-214.
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  42. Middle Age: Setiya’s Philosophical Reflections.Ivan William Kelly - 2018 - Open Journal of Philosophy 8 (4):343-354.
    Philosophers often focus on topics such as death and old age, and much less on other stages of life. The British-American philosopher Kienan Setiya (2017) has recently taken on the topic of middle age from a philosophical perspective and offered suggestions for dealing with the angst often associated with mid-age. His suggestions are based on both his own experiences and practical thoughts based on his readings of other philosophers during their mid-life periods. My own contribution is to describe his thoughts (...)
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    Pablo Posada Varela o la vida como compulsión de sentido.Iván Galán Hompanera - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 119:11-22.
    La pérdida inesperada de nuestro amigo Pablo Posada Varela el pasado doce de septiembre representa una tragedia a duras penas expresable. Escribir sobre algo o alguien implica un ejercicio de distancia; consiste, ante todo, en buscar, escoger y tomar una perspectiva (o varias, acaso unidas todas ellas en la concreción de un espectro, del espectro fenomenologizante, figura conceptual acuñada por Pablo). Si escribir se ha, que ocurra entonces desde la cercanía, que hoy más que nunca llega transverberada de desgarro, incredulidad (...)
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    Bianchi G: Figurations of Human Subjectivity. A Contribution to Second-Order Psychology.Ivan Lukšík - 2024 - Human Affairs 34 (2):311-315.
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  45. Croatian Philosophers IV: Matija Vlacic Ilirik – Mathias Flacius Illyricus (1520–1575).Ivan Kordic - 2005 - Prolegomena 4 (2):219-233.
    Matija Vlačić Ilirik was one of the pillars of Luther’s Reformation. In a special way, he dedicated himself to one of its most important issues – the understanding of the Scriptures, and can, therefore, be considered a significant instigator of the founding of modern hermeneutics. As an excellent connoisseur of classical languages (Hebrew, Greek and Latin) he recognized the importance and dealt with many issues of language, grammar, logic, and dialectic, as essential prerequisites for understanding everything which exists, and hence (...)
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    Tracing Causal Mechanisms in Social Movement Research in Southeast Europe: The Cases of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia – Evidence from the “Bosnian Spring” and the “Citizens for Macedonia” Movements.Ivan Stefanovski - 2016 - Seeu Review 12 (1):27-51.
    Recent anti-governmental social movements in countries of former Yugoslavia have awakened the spirit of contention which had been dormant for almost two decades. The overwhelming economic deprivation, accompanied by the massive violation of basic human rights of the citizens, urged the challengers to take the streets.This paper is focused on comparison of two movements, the “Citizens for Macedonia” movement in the Republic of Macedonia and the “Bosnian Spring” in Bosnia and Herzegovina, highlighting the role and influence of movements on the (...)
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  47. Charles Taylor's Hegel.Ivan Soll - 1976 - Journal of Philosophy 73 (19):697-710.
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    Naïve Realism With or Without the Content View: Response to Giananti.Ivan V. Ivanov - 2021 - Topoi 41 (1):221-225.
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    Feminist Logic, Literally.Ivan Restović - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Logic 20 (2):318-347.
    I this paper, I discuss Plumwood’s feminist logic program. I argue both in favor of her general stance in feminist philosophy of logic and her more specific feminist critique of classical logic. Plumwood’s general position is in opposition with (I think it’s safe to say) the prevailing view in analytic philosophy about the relation between formal logic and feminist theory, according to which feminist theory cannot say anything about or against logic proper, since the issues of oppression are external to (...)
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    Bruno Latour: New Challenges and Inspirations in Political Ecology.Ivan Buraj - 2023 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 59 (1):49-68.
    Political ecology is a recent development in contemporary scholarship. Contrary to popular belief, the French philosopher Bruno Latour was not its originator. Some scholars began to recognise that nature and politics were closely connected back to the time of Montesquieu. Nonetheless, Latour’s political ecology is original in that it features new or revamped concepts that lend it new content and meaning. It includes concepts such as ‘mode of existence,’ ‘actor/network,’ ‘humans’ and ‘non-humans,’ ‘terrestrial’ or ‘Earthbound,’ and offers a new interpretation (...)
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